Step-by-step guide to making lacy vase décor - Carolina Country

Lace Vase Projects for Every Occasion

Step-by-step guide for elegant gifts and home décor

By Rue Reynold

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Whether you’re preparing for a special event or looking to refresh your living space, lace vases will be a delightful addition. These versatile and elegant creations can be customized to suit any style, making them perfect for every occasion. Dive in and discover how simple it is to craft these beautiful pieces.

Lace Vase—Spray Paint Method

This project is fast and easy, perfect to make in bulk for gift-giving.

  • Glass or acrylic vase or container
  • Lace fabric
  • Spray paint
  • Tape or hot glue
  • Scissors
  1. Clean and dry your container thoroughly.
  2. Wrap lace around container until there is about 1½ inches of overlap. Cut excess fabric. If fabric frays, fold the fraying end about 1 inch and use tape, glue or sew to secure it.
  3. Secure one end of fabric to the container with a thin line of hot glue or tape. Wrap the fabric around and hot glue or thinly tape the other end to close, with about a ½-inch of overlap fabric. Cut any excess.
  4. Thoroughly spray paint the outside of the container in an open area with plenty of ventilation. Do not spray inside the container.
  5. Allow to dry completely, about 2–3 hours or more depending on container size and type of spray paint used.
  6. Carefully peel off fabric and insert your favorite plants.
lace vase reel

Watch how we put together a lace vase using the spray paint method on Instagram. Instagram Glyph Gradient 32x32

Lace Vase—Glue Method

Hot gluing beads or a brooch will give the finished project an extra elegant touch.

  • Glass or acrylic vase or container
  • Lace fabric
  • Mod Podge Glue/sealer
  • Scissors
  • Paintbrushes
  • Fabric glue (optional)
  • Sheer fabric (optional, used to help hold lace together if necessary or provide extra sheen)
  1. Clean and dry your container thoroughly.
  2. Wrap lace around container until there is about 2 inches of overlap. Cut excess fabric. If desired, cut sheer fabric the same length as lace and use fabric glue to bind the two, lining the sheer fabric behind the lace. If fabric frays, fold the fraying end 1 inch and use fabric glue to secure it.
  3. Lay fabric face down on flat surface and place container in the center, aligning the bottom edges. One end of fabric should reach the center of the side facing up.
  4. Paint Mod Podge along one side of the vase and up to the center of the side facing up. Carefully wrap the fabric around the glued areas, pressing down into the glue for a tight finish.
  5. Use a smaller paint brush to apply Mod Podge on top of the fabric in the open areas of the lace. Allow to dry completely before moving to next step, about 3–4 hours.
  6. Turn vase on fully glued side and repeat process for all other sides.
  7. After pressing one fabric end to the other, cut any excess fabric for a clean finish. Apply Mod Podge on top of open lace areas.
  8. Allow time to dry completely. About 3–4 hours.
  9. Cut any excess fabric overflowing the top and insert your favorite plants.

About the Author

Rue Reynold is the editorial assistant for Carolina Country

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