Animal Adventures In North Carolina - Carolina Country

Animal Adventures In North Carolina

Animal Adventures In North Carolina

Do you dream of trekking through the mountains beside a llama or petting an armadillo? And did you know that a liger is a cross between a lion and a tiger? In this exotically themed book, author Jennifer Bean Bower of Winston-Salem shares 70 animal attractions in North Carolina. Each entry provides contact information, driving directions, fees, hours of operation and travel tips, accompanied by black and white photographs and descriptions of the attraction’s offerings. Readers find that facilities dedicated to animal rescue, rehabilitation and conservation abound, and that these sites offer intriguing exhibits and learning programs. An appendix lists additional opportunities for viewing and interacting with animals in North Carolina, including wildlife refuges, farm tours, nature preserves and working farm vacations. Softcover, 320 pages, $14.95. “Animal Adventures in North Carolina” is published by John F. Blair in Winston-Salem.

(800) 222-9796

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