Carolina Living - Carolina Country

Carolina Living

Tips, tricks and inspiration for living life to the fullest in North Carolina

Savings options for education expenses

Savings options for education expenses

Preparing now will help you handle college costs later

How to identify tree hazards

Recognizing basic hazards in your trees can protect you and others from loss

A beloved steam locomotive comes home

The public can ride New Hope Valley Railway on the first Sunday of each month, starting in April

Canine care

Proper dog training prevents behavior problems

You can help protect natural resources

Learn how with recycleing and a greener laundry room

When babies graduate to solid foods

Look for healthy options as you expand your baby’s diet

Get the kids outdoors

Children who play outside show signs of all-around health

Drive responsibly and avoid the fines

Keeping North Carolina’s roads safe is the goal of the Highway Patrol

Mom, Dad, I’m bored!

Craft projects help kids explore their creativity

Fireplace Efficiency

Don’t let energy savings go up in smoke

Our mad plaid state shell

It’s rare, but it’s there on our shores

Withdrawing money after retirement

How much is enough to make your money last?

Need help filing your tax return?

Trained volunteers statewide offer free services to help to low and moderate income households prepare federal and state income tax returns

Be someone’s stroke of luck

Learn how to identify and prevent strokes

Take charge of your financial health

Make a New Year’s resolution to organize and protect your records